Išmano savo darbą, greitai reaguoja ir pasiūlo geriausią sprendimą. Didžiausios rekomendacijos!
Our team of communication professionals will enhance your brand through relevant, meaningful and inclusive content.
The projected outcome:
Our goal is to create compelling content for users to share on their social networks – that’s the charm and strength of social networks.
Consistency of the brand communication across all channels is crucial. Our communication services include other channels and opportunities to disclose the brand in “360” perspective.
We help our client brands hyper-target ideal clients based on exact demographics. Showing ads to the right individuals is a critical part of the marketing process.
We target users based on age, gender, location, interests, behaviors, website visitors, email lists and more. This data is made available to us as advertisers when we publish campaigns and allows us to use more context in our marketing campaigns.
Relevant information to relevant people!
Building both a social audience and a landing page audience is critical to creating consistent and future success from our marketing efforts by leveraging historical data.
Every online touchpoint with a potential customer is used for retargeting with contextual advertising and irresistible offers.
We deploy an effective social media advertising tool – the ability to directly track return on investment from our marketing campaigns:
On behalf of our clients we can directly track how the ad spend is performing, making it possible to cut undesirable campaigns and scale well-performing campaigns to bring even more results.
No. 1 social media site. On Facebook pages, your brands can share the content your buyers and consumers want and need.
# 2 social site. YouTube is a video-sharing platform where users watch, like, share, comment, and upload videos.
# 3 social networking site. Instagram is a photo/video sharing mobile app created using visual storytelling.
Twitter is a social networking tool for sharing information and connecting with people.
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the Internet to connect and strengthen professional relationships.
Pinterest is a site used to post new ideas, do-it-yourself messages, and post thematically to help people discover things in a simple, visual way. Effective way of branding!
Google Business is a tool to enhance your Business Profile and boost its visibility and effectiveness.
TikTok is a video-sharing app that allows users to create and share short-form videos on any topic.
WhatsApp is a messaging app that uses the internet to send messages, images, audio or video.
Launched in 2011 and owned by Chinese tech giant Tencent, WeChat has grown from a messaging app to become a unique social media hybrid.
A success story of social media engagement to boost audience, selectively target different segments – clients, interior designers and architects. Consistent and focused communication on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Business profile, and YouTube, in combination with creative advertising, continue to establish the brand as a "gold standard "in wooden interior products, recognised by the most demanding clients.
Like "Medžio stilius", the Ecowood group branch in Poland, Styl Drzewa, is gradually increasing its market share. Social media communication and advertising are localised and adapted to attract Polish customers, designers and architects through META channels (Instagram & Facebook), Pinterest, and Google Business profile.
A B2B-oriented printing company Flexpro invests in a high-quality content marketing strategy, reflected through its social media communication. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Google profile are used to build the company's reputation through sharing market insights, cases, and added values that the clients get while developing a long-term partnership with Flexpro.
Išmano savo darbą, greitai reaguoja ir pasiūlo geriausią sprendimą. Didžiausios rekomendacijos!
Pasirinkome kaip partnerius naujam projektui biospektra.eu (tinklapio sukūrimas bei skaitmeninio marketingo paslaugos), labai patinka aiškus bendravimas, operatyvumas, profesionalumas bei suteikiamos vertingos įžvalgos. Rekomenduoju!
Per ilgalaikį bendradarbiavimą užmezgėme tvirtus partnerystės ryšius ir įgyvendinome daug sėkmingų projektų.Visi darbai atliekami efektyviai ir per trumpą laiką.
Since 2020, MarketSmart has been our trusted partner, consistently driving success for our oak flooring business in the UK market. Our client inquiries from our website ecohardwood.co.uk have increased massively, all credit to their mastery in SEO, Google Ads, and social media. Their adept strategies have truly been the driving force behind our elevated online visibility.
Puikiai atliktas darbas!!! Ačiū už operatyvumą ir kokybišką galutinį rezultatą!
Profesjonaliści w każdym calu. Znają się na rzeczy, doradzą i poprowadzą każdą kampanię z zaangażowaniem. Najlepsza agencja marketingu z jaką przyszło mi współpracować. Pełne zaangażowanie otwarci na sugestie z głowami pełnymi kreatywnych pomysłów. Zdecydowanie polecam!
Puikūs rinkodaros profesionalai. Išmano savo sritį ir padėjo efektyviai siekti ir pasiekti rezultatų. Rekomenduoju.
Dėkingi visai Market Smart komandai už labai operatyvų bendradarbiavimą. Internetinė svetainė atnaujinta taip kaip ir norėjome. Viskas vyko sklandžiai ir greitai. Ačiū Jums!
Dainius isgelbejo projekta, aciu jam! Visa imone motyvuota, dirba profesionalai. Rekomenduoju visiems kas susiduria su marketingo sunkumais.
Pati geriausia patirtis dirbant su komunikacijos eksperte Rasa Bagdoniene. Visada žinau, kad galiu pasitikėti jos profesionalumu, nuoširdžiu darbu ir individualizuotu požiūriu į klientą atvedančiu prie puikaus rezultato! Labai rekomenduoju!
Džiaugiamės pasirinkę bendradarbiavimą su šia šaunia kompanija. Atsakingai rekomenduoju!