Išmano savo darbą, greitai reaguoja ir pasiūlo geriausią sprendimą. Didžiausios rekomendacijos!
We advise on product design, development and improvement. From the very first steps, it is important to link production, innovation opportunities and market needs, creating a relevant, fulfilling and accessible product that is attractive to customers and brings the user experience to a new level.
From idea, prototype testing and launch, and analysis, our experience will help you succeed in every step.
Manufacturers and sellers of high-quality oak flooring, doors, and stairs. The challenge was to position and reflect top quality, focus on oak; to unite internal values and external presentation. The slogan “Oak is our passion“ identifies the company’s philosophy. The attributes of oak (strength, durability, reliability) are converted into product communication and customer value. The marketing strategy helped define and gain a deeper understanding of the target customers, their needs, and the value created.
An interesting and successful experience in developing a brand for a new product specifically targeted at the Chinese market. The product is food supplements developed to protect human body from the negative effects of environmental pollution. The challenge was differences between languages and cultures, understanding of the market itself, consumer expectations, needs and behavior. After a thorough analysis, we succeeded in developing the positioning of the brand, its visual identity, brand history, attributes, promise to consumers.
Probiotic products have many benefits: organic raw materials, ecological and environmentally friendly ingredients, and a distinctive supplement – good bacteria (probiotics). The developed marketing strategy focused on “4E guarantee” (Effective, Ecological, Economical, Enduring cleanliness). The marketing mix included various digital marketing tools, an updated website, e-shop and advertising tools (POS).
The confectionery company – a well-known cakes manufacturer – has been operating for over 20 years. When the brand began losing its relevance in the market, we came to offer a significant strategic and visual renewal. As a result, the brand is now gaining a foothold in the market as “Special Occasion Cake Masters”. It promises exclusive, individually decorated cakes and other products for various occasions. We successfully updated their logo, developed the visual identity, created a website, e-shop, deployed social media, and different online marketing means.
Išmano savo darbą, greitai reaguoja ir pasiūlo geriausią sprendimą. Didžiausios rekomendacijos!
Pasirinkome kaip partnerius naujam projektui biospektra.eu (tinklapio sukūrimas bei skaitmeninio marketingo paslaugos), labai patinka aiškus bendravimas, operatyvumas, profesionalumas bei suteikiamos vertingos įžvalgos. Rekomenduoju!
Per ilgalaikį bendradarbiavimą užmezgėme tvirtus partnerystės ryšius ir įgyvendinome daug sėkmingų projektų.Visi darbai atliekami efektyviai ir per trumpą laiką.
Since 2020, MarketSmart has been our trusted partner, consistently driving success for our oak flooring business in the UK market. Our client inquiries from our website ecohardwood.co.uk have increased massively, all credit to their mastery in SEO, Google Ads, and social media. Their adept strategies have truly been the driving force behind our elevated online visibility.
Puikiai atliktas darbas!!! Ačiū už operatyvumą ir kokybišką galutinį rezultatą!
Profesjonaliści w każdym calu. Znają się na rzeczy, doradzą i poprowadzą każdą kampanię z zaangażowaniem. Najlepsza agencja marketingu z jaką przyszło mi współpracować. Pełne zaangażowanie otwarci na sugestie z głowami pełnymi kreatywnych pomysłów. Zdecydowanie polecam!
Puikūs rinkodaros profesionalai. Išmano savo sritį ir padėjo efektyviai siekti ir pasiekti rezultatų. Rekomenduoju.
Dėkingi visai Market Smart komandai už labai operatyvų bendradarbiavimą. Internetinė svetainė atnaujinta taip kaip ir norėjome. Viskas vyko sklandžiai ir greitai. Ačiū Jums!
Dainius isgelbejo projekta, aciu jam! Visa imone motyvuota, dirba profesionalai. Rekomenduoju visiems kas susiduria su marketingo sunkumais.
Pati geriausia patirtis dirbant su komunikacijos eksperte Rasa Bagdoniene. Visada žinau, kad galiu pasitikėti jos profesionalumu, nuoširdžiu darbu ir individualizuotu požiūriu į klientą atvedančiu prie puikaus rezultato! Labai rekomenduoju!
Džiaugiamės pasirinkę bendradarbiavimą su šia šaunia kompanija. Atsakingai rekomenduoju!